On-Site/Virtual Training
We provide comprehensive, customizable solutions that include on-site training and online support on individual, regional and national levels.
On-site training is conducted by educators from diverse backgrounds and locations with strong expertise in coaching and classroom practice. They specialize in delivering rich, complex information into real-world scenarios, and all sessions are interactive
and encourage deep reflection.
We conduct two national conferences every year: a general conference in March that brings together policy and practice (open to TAP and non-TAP educators), and an intensive summer training institute focused on teacher leadership, professional development,
educator evaluation and performance-based compensation.
We also offer a portal that houses videos, training modules and the CODE System to provide real-time access to individualized trainings and support.
Educators can access the portal 24/7, including mobile versions, for guidance on-the-go. Having this resource accommodates busy schedules and allows educators to further customize their training.
For more information, please call 1-800-575-NIET (6438) or email info@niet.org.